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Ignition of the stove

In the kitchen you have at your disposal a stove, it will serve you as heating if necessary and possibly as a cooker.

Here are the different steps to turn it on:


1) Collect wood in the stable to the right of the house:

- Small wood (fine cut logs or reclaimed wood) to light the fire (Blue on picture) :Beware of any nails or other metal parts that could be injured when handling the kindling

- Logs to maintain the fire (Green on picture)

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2 ) Open the left door of the stove 

and then open the fireplace access (Green on pic) and ventilation/ash removal (Blue on pic) doors

3 ) With the poker, shake the flat bar with the hole at the end to make the remaining ashes fall from the hearth.

Then take out the ash pan to empty it into the garbage bin and then put it back in the stove, leaving the ventilation door open for the moment.

3 Bis) In the event that the sun is beating down on the chimney flue on the roof of the house and the stove has not been lit recently, it is very likely that you will not be able to light the stove, for that :

- Open the oven door (right oven door)

- Under the oven cavity, remove the small metal plate (Green on pic)

- Burn paper (provided)  in the small flue

- Close the small duct with the metal plate and close the oven door

4 ) In the hearth, place:

- 1 firelighter cube,

​- 2 to 3 pieces of small wood still on top,

Then light the firelighter (for convenience you can of course light it before placing the different types of wood on top)

Then close the fireplace door

5 ) Once the kindling has caught fire, 

- Open the rectangular hatch on the stove plate using the tool provided

- Place 1 or 2 logs in the hearth

6 ) Once the logs have caught fire

- Close the ventilation hatch and reduce the ventilation to 2

- Then gradually close the ventilation as the temperature rises

- Completely close the ventilation a little before obtaining the desired temperature

7 ) Feed the log fire through the rectangular hatch according to the desired temperature

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